Your Newborn’s First…
One of the things we enjoy about newborn photography is that we get to meet new parents and talk to new moms about their experiences being first-time parents or having their second or third child. We also get to relive those experiences again, and it just brings back those fond memories of having younger children. Those cute baby years or when the baby is almost pocketable and easy to carry. =) Or those baby years where they are just crawling about or learning to stumble across the room. Looking for one sturdy object in the room and trying to stumble across, from coffee table to sofa. Seeing the look in their eyes when they made it for the first time, with that sigh of relief they didn’t fall. We miss every sound they make, the coos and gagas in the later months, as they try to make sense of their world. Time at this moment is very short and goes by very quickly but it’s also slow at the same time. In those moments you are living and present as time stands still. But we know looking back, it was a blink of an eye and we wished for those moments back. Every time a newborn arrives at our Leslieville studio, we can’t wait to hear your stories and experiences.