Opting for the Personal Branding Mini Shoot?
5 things you need to know
So, you’ve decided to go with a Personal Branding MINI. Yay! Here’s what you need to know.
#1. CONFIDENCE comes first
You don’t have time to waste warming up to the camera. You’ve gotta be ready to fly from the get-go in order to get the most out of the session. With confidence, you’ll have a better shoot. And your personal brand will benefit. Trust us.
So… what to be confident about?
✓ The way you look & feel
✓ What images you want to capture (style and orientation)
✓ Where & how you plan to use the images
✓ The message you want your personal brand to convey

#2. MAKEUP is [almost] non-negotiable
Here’s the thing. When you look good, you feel confident. And that shows when you’re shooting. Because of the brevity of the personal branding mini photoshoot, to ensure you’re confident we recommend a makeup application.
We completely understand that makeup might not be your thing on a daily basis. But make up during the shoot is simply your armor against the lighting. Honest. It’s plain fact that camera lighting dulls skin tones.
Do something to counteract that and you’re golden.
Do something to *compliment* that and you’re on fire.
Our makeup guru Maureen is available here. She will not transform you into someone you’re not. She will not fabricate for you a separate glam identity. She will simply make.
You. Look. Good. Under. Camera. Lighting.
That’s it.
And you’ll feel confident about that.

#3. Know WHAT type of images you want/need
Knowing exactly where you plan to use the photos will impact how you position yourself, and will help us work with you to get the “what” (correct angles and facial expression).
Don’t be shy!
If you know you will need a warm, smiling-face image for your “About Me” section on your website in landscape orientation,
a full-length photo of you with a thumbs up sign and huge smile,
please let us know!
Take a few minutes to strategize the personal branding mini photoshoot, jot those details down and bring it to the session.
We want to capture the exact images you WANT and NEED.

#4. PROMOTION / LOCATIONS (great places to use your minis)
A mini branding shoot won’t give you a full gallery of images to fill up your entire website; however, it WILL offer a glimpse of who you are, professionally.
Here is a list of places to consider using your photos, which will help for planning your Personal Branding Mini:
✓ LinkedIn profile image
✓ LinkedIn post (photo uploaded to compliment text)
✓ Twitter handle photo
✓ Instagram bio photo
✓ Facebook page (storefront, services)
✓ Facebook group (coaching)
✓ Pinterest profile pic
✓ Pinterest images
✓ Contributing writer bio
✓ Speaking events bio
✓ Social profiles / handles
✓ One page
✓ Lead magnets
✓ Landing pages
✓ Email content images
✓ About Me or “My Story” page on website — especially if your business sells physical products rather than services (most photos in your galleries are likely of the product, not the face behind it)!
✓ Social posts / messaging
✓ About section of your portfolio, gallery, or other site containing work samples
Think about where you’d like to promote your brand, whether you’re on the job search, building a business, offering consulting, or just want to boost your professional image.

#5. Make your MESSAGING more impactful with images
Is there a hit-home message you plan to share with your audience? Let’s capture the right tone, angle, feel, and vibe so you can load the text with a fitting image.
Want to create
A carousel for LinkedIn?
A Instagram reel?
A Facebook story?
A powerful lead magnet?
A compelling email?
Messaging options are endless. Design your message and envision the photos to go with it! We’ll do the rest to capture you at your best.
Step back from messaging and think about your brand as a whole and what feelings and emotions you want to elicit from your followers, future employers, co-workers,
potential partners and clients?
Make sure your messaging is on-brand.
Photographs are a powerful way to do just that.
We’re here to help!
Contact us here for a discovery call to book your session!